
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fibonacci numbers

Note, that this implementation exists. Algorithm is:
Fibonacci[n_] := Round[GoldenRatio^n/Sqrt[5]]

Be aware, that this formula:
can not be trivially applied in other languages.

In Java, we have arbitrarily large integers and decimals, but prebuilt classes lack the functionality (it's a shame). For example we can not easily take root of 5. To do this, we would need to use a library like JScience or write Newton approximation method (what can be quite error prone process).

In C#, there is no arbitrarily large decimals. It does have class decimal (with 28-29 significant digits), but assuming that Math class supports it, is just asking too much (it's a shame). But thumbs up, for it at least has BigInteger.

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